Space optimization in the office

Rent or other expenses for real estate are often the second largest expense item for companies after personnel costs. With more home offices and flexible work models now requiring fewer workstations and office space, companies can take advantage of huge potential savings.

How do you calculate the office space needed for a business?
How many square meters of space can your company save?
Can this space be sublet if necessary, or does it make more sense to move to a smaller space?

coneon can answer these questions for you. We support you in analyzing your occupancy rate and create a space calculation for you with concrete solution proposals.

Let our experts advise you!

This is how a space requirements analysis works at coneon

A space requirements analysis from coneon is available in three versions.

1. Base:

Checking the floor plan according to current workplace guidelines
(distances, space requirements per employee, walkways, etc.)


2. Extended:

Floor plan analysis + calculation of occupancy through an online survey to determine current space utilization.


3. Premium:

Floor plan analysis + online survey + calculation of the occupancy rate by means of an on-site measurement over several days and thus the actual space requirements (how busy are the workstations and ancillary rooms really?)

Continuing services:

  • Definition of the new office concept
    • Standard, Agile Working or a mixture thereof
  • Creation of a new office plan (test fit)
  • Presentation of the concept incl. before and after comparison
  • Implementation of the concept incl. conversion measures and furniture deliveries


We will be happy to discuss your project and your individual wishes and requirements in a personal meeting.

Typical mistakes in the conceptual design of a surface

The experts at coneon uncover typical mistakes that a "layman" might not have thought about.

  • The total area is not only calculated on the basis of the workstations. Important areas, such as the movement areas, parking spaces, traffic routes and functional areas must also be calculated.
  • Areas for safety clearances are required to protect workers from hazards.
  • The movement area at the workplace must be at least 1.50 m² (See ASR A1.2).
  • The term mobile working is only applicable to work outside the office. In the case of a project workstation in the company that is used temporarily, this is referred to as agile working. Separate rules apply to this workplace.
  • A project workstation that does not meet the requirements of a workstation of the ArbStättV and the associated technical rules is not considered a workstation. Whoever works at such a place must always have the possibility to switch to a standardized workplace.
  • If, for example, the employee has a regular workstation at home as part of teleworking and only comes to the office occasionally for team sessions, he probably does not need an additional workstation there.

Basic rules for area calculation in Germany

As an employer, would you like to roughly plan and calculate your office space yourself? These basic formulas can help you:

  • Cellular office (1-6 persons): 8-10 m² per workstation
  • Group office (up to 25 people): 10-12 m² per workstation
  • Open-plan office (400 m² or more): 12-15 m² per workstation

These figures include furniture and proportional circulation areas in the room. Regardless of the activity, only rooms with a floor area of at least 8 m² for one workstation plus at least 6 m² for each additional workstation may be used as workrooms.

Arbeitsstättenrichtlinien Flächenplan

Flächenoptimierung vom Experten

In order to create a professional space calculation and space planning, you not only need to know the workplace guidelines on the subject of room dimensions, but also be familiar with topics such as room height, lighting conditions, fire protection, escape routes, sanitary rooms and other requirements for ancillary areas. coneon is your expert for office space optimization with over 30 years of experience. With us, you receive a professional, fast and thorough space analysis.

We advise you on your space or property and provide you with solution proposals for space optimization or calculation of a new space. Upon request, we will create a test fit for your space and calculate for you how much space you can save in the future.

Request area calculation now!

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