Optimize storage space in the office - increase order and efficiency.

Tips for more storage space in the office.

An efficient and orderly work environment can have a major impact on employee productivity, creativity and vitality. An important factor for a tidy and well-organized work environment is sufficient storage space. However, it is often a challenge to create enough space to store documents, office supplies and other items, especially in smaller offices or on a limited budget. At coneon, we can show you several ways to create more storage space in your office. Our designers:inside will organize office space efficiently and help you find the best storage solutions for your specific needs. With our practical advice, you can make your workspace neat and functional and maximize your productivity and creativity.

Why storage space is important - order in the office

Buntes Büro mit zwei Arbeitsplätzen

Storage space and order in the office are important for a number of reasons. A tidy workplace can have a positive impact on employees, as it creates a pleasant working atmosphere, promotes creativity and can contribute to higher productivity. In addition, a tidy environment is also beneficial for concentrated work, as it minimizes distractions and creates a pleasant working environment.

Another important aspect is that a tidy work environment can improve efficiency. When important documents or work materials are within reach and well organized, time and energy can be saved that would otherwise be spent searching or waiting. Clutter in the office, on the other hand, can lead to delays and frustration, which in turn can have a negative impact on work performance.

There's also an aesthetic aspect. An untidy and chaotic working environment can look unprofessional and unattractive, which leaves a bad impression on customers or business partners. By using appropriate storage solutions and effective office organization, a clean and professional appearance can be achieved.

Overall, storage space and order in the office is an important factor in creating a productive and pleasant working environment and improving efficiency and performance.

Großes Büro mit Stauraum

Großer Schrank mit Büroutensilien

Different storage options.

Order in the office with the right storage system.

To create order in the office, a good organization system is crucial. There are various storage space options that can be individually tailored to the office's area of use. From classic filing cabinets to sideboards or locker cabinets, everything is possible. Depending on your needs, there are cabinets with and without doors, display cabinets, brochure cabinets, locker cabinets and combination cabinets. Locker cabinets, so-called lockers, are particularly suitable when several employees share a workplace and the safe storage of personal belongings must be ensured. For more flexibility in space, a rolling cabinet is suitable and can be easily moved around the office. A rolling pedestal offers less space than a shelf, but it disappears almost invisibly under the desk. A low cabinet height can help visually break up the space. Side roll cabinets can even be used as room dividers, as they often have a visible back wall. Choosing the right storage system is critical to successfully organizing the office.


Closed shelves with door

Modular shelves

Roll container

Standing container

Top cabinets


Sliding door wardrobes

Open shelf

How to efficiently organize an office with little storage space?

Small space wonders.

Organizing an office with limited storage space can be a challenge, but there are many ways to efficiently use the space you have. The right selection of storage furniture can help create a neatly organized document storage area. A corner desk offers a space-saving solution for small spaces, while tall standing shelves on the walls provide additional space for office supplies and documents.
Cabinets without doors are a great choice for offices with limited storage space, as they provide more room to move around. Shelving systems are extremely space efficient while providing plenty of storage space. These systems often combine multiple elements, such as shelving and sideboards. If additional storage space is needed, a shelf can be custom-made to fit above the door or on a sloping roof.

Not only the size of the office cabinet, but also its door type determines how much freedom of movement is actually created. Rolling side cabinet, sliding door cabinet and hinged door cabinet are different types of cabinets that are suitable depending on the space requirements. In narrow offices, sliding door cabinets are a good choice because they eliminate bulky doors. Creative ideas can also help maximize storage space in an office. For example, boxes or baskets can be attached to the wall to create extra space for office supplies and documents. An open shelf or storage box under the desk can also create additional storage space.

Overall, there are many ways to efficiently organize a limited amount of storage space in an office. With the right selection of storage furniture and creative ideas for expanding storage space, it is possible to create an uncluttered and well-organized work environment even in a small office.

Storage space at the desk.

Tips and tricks for organization at work.

A tidy and structured desk is the basis for productive work. Who doesn't know it? You sit at your desk and find yourself between unsorted documents, pens, paperwork and all sorts of odds and ends. A messy work environment can quickly become a distraction and hinder productive work. But with a few simple tips, organizing your desk can be easy and effective.

One way to organize your desk is with small pedestals that hold different sized compartments for files and documents, as well as drawers for personal items, pens and other odds and ends.

Schreibtisch und Schreibtischstuhl in heller Umgebung

A fixed tidying time is also recommended to give chaos no chance at all. A specific day of the week or a daily time can be set aside for tidying up, so that small items can be put away every day and everything that has accumulated can be put away and tidied up once a week. It is advisable to tidy up the workplace briefly, ideally after work, in order to start the new day in an organized manner. Especially in the home office, this also promotes the separation between work and home. Structured work is promoted by a tidy desk, as distractions can be avoided. Only the most necessary items should be placed on the workstation, and the other work equipment is only brought out when needed.


In order to keep documents sorted, a good filing system is essential. Sorting directly into marked folders or slipcases and labeling documents is very helpful here in order not to get the paperwork mixed up. Closed storage spaces are particularly suitable for making the work environment appear more tidy. Paper clutter, as can be caused by numerous post-its, can be replaced with a notebook. In addition, paper clips, post-its and pens can be neatly stored in drawers or toolboxes / utility boxes, whereby it is important to organize all utensils according to groups. Overall, a tidy desk not only promotes concentration and productivity, but also the environment. An increasingly digital way of working and digital filing ensure less waste and therefore less chaos in the office.

Gelber Schreibtischorganizer auf Schreibtisch

Tip: Clean desk policy. At best, tidy up the workplace briefly at the end of the day to start the new day in an organized manner. In the home office, this also promotes the separation between work and home.

Großraumbüro mit offenem Regal

5 tips for optimized storage space in the office.

Effective storage tips for the office.

1. Use multifunctional furniture:

Pieces of furniture that perform multiple functions can save space and increase storage space. These include, for example, desks with integrated shelves or drawers, or chairs with storage space inside.

2. When setting up the office, make use of storage space up to the ceiling:

If you have high ceilings, we advise you to use the space up to the ceiling. With shelves and consoles or a shelving system creates storage space in the vertical. There you can store folders, documents and books. Be sure to place documents that you need to refer to more often on the lower shelves. Things that are used less frequently in everyday office life can be stored further up.

3. Use roller containers:

Mobile containers are a great way to create extra storage space. They can be stored under the desk and provide space for file folders, office supplies and personal items.

4. Set up desk organizer:

Desk organizers can help you use the space on your desk more effectively. Use them to organize and store pens, paper and other office supplies.

5. Digitalize documents:

Eliminate the need for paper documents by creating and storing digital copies. This way, you can save space while making it easier to access important information.

Professional storage space planning

Are you looking for an optimal storage solution for your office? Our design team will be happy to advise you and create a professional office plan for you.
